Shen Yun Review: Malgorzata Nowacka-May, Artistic Director, Chimera Dance
“The performance is incredible. It is amazing to see the amount of artistry that is there. But it’s also incredible to see how they’re bringing this cultural gift to us...
The dichotomy of the softness with the strength, and that ability to shift from one end to the other, it’s so powerful in the movement. So I don’t know if that’s the message I was supposed to get, of being able to balance those things in ourselves, but that’s what I’m getting from it...
I feel charged because the physicality is so intense—the things they’re able to execute are incredible, and take such a huge dedication to the craft. The execution is incredible, they’re so together, and obviously they have an amazing rehearsal and direction process. So that’s one thing. But I also love the content, because, especially the dance about oppression, and suppression, of faith is very powerful. And I hope that a lot of people are able to correlate the message that it’s bringing today...
It’s incredible to witness it happening here. It’s like a very special secret that they’re sharing.”